Sunday, October 28, 2007
fall is in the air
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Good Golly Miss Molly
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
a few of my current obsessions
Guitar Hero. Yes, Austin playing at 10pm in his tube socks and swim trunks. It's a family obsession. I was the 1st of the family to master Freebird, but little man now kicks my butt. He plays the game on Hard, and if you've ever played this, then you know that is amazing! Check it out here. We have 1 and 2, but I hear there's a new 80's one. Must go track it down!
And ofcourse:
And this book! Magical! Amazing! (did you catch the magical...LOL). I cried when it was over, not just because of what happens, but because it was over. JK Rowling sure has a way of story telling. Loved it, re-reading the series for the 2nd time this summer. In between the Brady Bunch and Guitar Hero, ofcourse.
And finally:
Back to Johnny. But can you get more kick-ass than Elizabeth Swann? And is it me or is Orlando Bloom getting hotter every film? But that Johnny..... MMMM
So what are you obsessing over?
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
Tag, you're it!
1. In my dreams I am still my highschool weight. For reals, every dream, even the ones in Spanish. I'm talking less than 100 pounds skinny.
2. I am a complete and total nerd, and I’m ok with that.
3. My name is Bat Bogey Hexer on the Leaky Cauldron, a Harry Potter message board. (back to the nerd thing)... Oh, and I still feel Snape has to be good, but I'll be finding out for sure later this month. yeah!
4. I never let my kids go to bed without hearing at least one good belly laugh a day. I figure that when they grow up, no matter how crazy times could be, we could always find laughter.
5. I’m a cat person with no cats, but 2 dogs.
6. I took 6 years of French, but Je ne parle Francais. (I don’t speak French) Maybe because 4 years of those lessons were taught by Mr. Fong.
7. I wish I could that dance where girls make their butts jiggle up and down without moving the rest much. I know it’s a knee thing, but whatever, wish I could do it.
So if your read this, consider yourself tagged. Just about all the bloggers I know have already been tagged because I took so long to do this.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
To Do, Or Not To Do
Friday, June 15, 2007
Got Disney?
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Summer's Here
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Mo-Hogs and Chicks
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Long winded
So the boys are at the perfect age to begin chores. Today Hunter learned to sort the laundry, and we loaded the washer together. Woo Hoo! It was a good time. He had a lot of fun tossing clothes in to piles. I have forgotten how even a menial task can actually be made fun. Austin was busy with dad rinsing out soda cans and milk and juice containers to put in the recycling buckets. Not that there was a lot, but enough for a little be good to your planet talk. He was more intrigued with the idea that we get to make money off our garbage.
I've been a terrible recycler. It has always made me feel guilty that I threw the stuff away. Cans we always recycled, but bottles and plastic and paper just made it's way to the big trash bin. It was hard with the boys when they were little, when I had little time to even clean myself, let alone properly clean my home. So if it was done, it was in the trash. Many a guilty days. Now, the boys are in recycle training and so excited because they get the cash, and when they're psyched about a getting a nickle, this is like hitting the lotto for them.
And speaking of recycled paper, I've been having some guilt about all the scrap stuff that just sits in my room. At least a rainforest full of paper sits there unused. Audrey's PTA is holding a fair at the school, and one thing they are raffling is a scrapbooking basket. So, on National Scrapbook Day (yes, there really is a day for us) while so many obsessed scrappers are out there making use of their goods, I will be cleaning up my scraproom, and finding stuff to donate to Audrey's PTA group. Lucky me, I should see her for lunch tomorrow because she is in Sac at a PTA conference, but returns to LA tomorrow. I was supposed to meet for dinner yesterday, but I have an allergy induced sinus infection.
One thing is for sure I'm not getting rid of my Bam Pop paper. It's making it's way on so many of my layouts! I did this one of Hunter for IDOS. Yes, I know, another terrible scan. I think I just need a larger scanner so I don't have to do the whole photomerge stich deal. I just suck at it. Anyway, I just love the BamPop paper, and just cut away and use little pieces on about every layout I do. So obsessed. Even the label strip makes it on my layouts. I think this is the second time I used the little strip under a picture instead of tossing it.
Hunter is such a dreamer. So cool to have captured that look in a picture.
Little man is about to lose his 1st tooth. Bottom left tooth is loose as a goose (whatever that means-do geese have loose bowel habits or are they an easy catch for a little sexy fowl play?). The other front bottom tooth is getting lose as well. He's so excited about the prospect of a tooth fairy visit and being able to to turn in his teeth for money. They're growing up ===fast. (those equal signs were supposed to remind you of speedy smoke trails behind a fast moving object. I guess if I had to explain it, I'm assuming others are not quite the match for my dorkiness).By now you're thinking "No kidding about the long winded!" But that wasn't really my point with the title of the post. Well, sorta, because I haven't blogged in a while and had a lot to say. But really it was a clue to where I just came back from. I'll give you a hint:
or even a better hint is:
Love the do's in the wind. The only things keeping my hair from looking like the bride of frankenstein is all the wax I put in my hair, and that little blue felt barrett. Did you get it already? THE WINDY CITY????? Chicago, Baby! Absolutley loved it. Loved the cleanliness, the friendliness, and the floweriness, and the foodliness, and drinkliness, architechtureness and the story of Elliott Ness with all the mobster heiness of Al Caponess. Very cool city. Gained 4 pounds in 4 days, with non-stop walking. Ofcourse a lot of non-stop drinking and eating, but you know. Gotta go back some day. So much to do, see and eat. If I had to move anywhere, that is where I would move. LOVED IT!
So, what have you been up to?
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Tae Kwon DON'T
1st lesson, teen pimple black belt learns no matter how much he has mastered his mind and body, he was no where close to prepared for the Marcoccia boys. Uh, not even a smidgeon close to prepared. 10,000 Star Wars questions before they hit the mat. Twin A punching teacher out of turn, as teacher was looking at Twin B. Twin B performs upright epileptic fit, which he truly believed were jumping jacks. Twin A spin kicking in the air, when there was to be no kicking in the lesson. Twin B going to the restroom and leaving the door open for all to watch. Twin A closing the door on Twin B without turning on the lights, leading into Twin B screaming bloody murder fit (much like jumping jacks without a smile).
Results were, "Boys, you have one more chance for next Wednesday. You need to learn in the next week how to focus, answer always with 'Yes Sir' or 'No Sir', no talking out of turn and listen to my instructions." Teen pimple black belt turns to me, "Ma'am, your boys will need to learn some discipline and focus before next weeks visit, or they will not be able to return". Mom: "Why in the heck do you think I brought them here?" (Exact words, question left unanswered).
Sooo, Wednesday I am flying to Chicago and you better believe my camera is going with me. Mike is taking the boys, but I can't find the charger for the old camera. In otherwords, there may be no pictures of the boys being told to Tae Kwon DON'T.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Back From a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Sunday, April 01, 2007
An April Fool and a Mandarin Pixie
Speaking of Fools, you can see this fool's latest layouts in the Mandarin Pixie ( gallery. The shop owner, Jennifer, asked me to be the Guest Design Team member for April. Great fun! I loved her stamps, great fonts, easy to use, cool selection. You can see my layouts in her gallery, but here's one teaser for you, plus one more that is not in her gallery because I used her stamps for the IDOS Design Team challenge for March:
In the "Pretty in Pink" layout, I used a number 8 from her Piqued Alphabet to frame the sides of the picture of Serafina. In the "Con Papi" layout, I used the Pupcat alpha for the SF. Like I said, check her store out, good stuff.
Ok, time for an old fool to finish up some work and hit the hay. The boys are spending the night at our neighbor friend's house, so I get to sleep until my body tells me it's enough. WOO HOO!!!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
H:"God. You want to know why?"
H:"Because he built this world for us to live in."
A:"You know, I think we're going to be true Jedis."
H:"Yes, I think so, too."
A conversation between the boys about 2 minutes ago as they play on the computer. This one makes me happy, well, not the money part, but shamefully, it usually works in that order. Just happy that Flambily came 3rd in the top 4.
We're Catholics. However, you never see us in church. We eat meat on Fridays during lent. My forehead has no ashes on it on Ash Wednesday. We only say Grace before holdiday meals with family. I can't remember ever going to confesion. But Mike and I have a strong sense of faith. We feel closer to God in the outdoors, surrounded by nature. And when I lay next to my children to read to them, I feel it was faith that helped me get there. Faith in God, faith in modern medicine, faith that it would work, faith in Mike and my marriage. We may not be the most visible worshipers, but we never ever lose faith.
So hearing my children so freely talk about God makes me happy. I've never pushed religion on them. However, the only chapter book we have read through more than once is the Children's Bible. By choice we have read through 2 different versions in their entirity, twice each. And when they pray, they always pray for others and not themselves. They always add the sick kids, the hungry kids, and the little kids that need love to the list of flambily and pets and friends to be blessed. Austin plays hide and seek and chess with Jesus. Austin tucks a few of his favorite reads under his pillow at night, and a bible is always one of the pack. Hunter always talks about God and Jesus as if they were good friends. Jesus may be flying a space ship with Hunter in a Star Wars battle one minute, or counting to 30 while Austin is hiding the next.
I love those images they have of God and Jesus. That he is their friend, not something to fear. I've always disliked the term "God Fearing". Why should we fear God? If we're good people, and good to each other, and love and respect one another, what is there to be afraid of? That is what I want my children to grow up with. Be honest, respectful, have love and have faith in your heart. So when I listen to conversations that happen between 2 brothers in their room as they play games together, I sit and just smile. I have faith that Mike and I are on the right path to raising 2 wonderful men.
So pray on, little dudes. Talk to Him like a friend.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Just a quickie
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Guitar Hero
Spent the day at Pier 39 with Papi and Nanny. What a beautiful day. Still in the process of uploading pictures in to Kodak Gallery for the family. 46 out of 105, so far. Some of them were fast and blurry, but isn't that just the way it is sometimes. The boys had a blast and so did we. Can't wait to go back and visit other areas of the city. The boys were thrilled to learn that I lived there for a while, and grew up in the Bay Area. They wanted to learn all about it, and about the things that I did. Made me feel all nostalgic talking about it. I totally feel like I left some of my heart in San Francisco. It feels so much like home to me.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
I'm still here
So, I've been here. Ill-en. One cold after another. This one has had me hacking for almost 2 weeks now, and I have no voice toay. Not fun. But... I've been working and I've been scrapping. I was going through some pictures and found this old one of AJ. I remember how we bought that costume way before Halloween and he wore it A LOT before and after Halloween. I love that. He would speak Pirate, even. Don't you just love his face? I'm so glad I have this hobby. This picture speaks to me, and I totally remember him saying "Arrr, matey. Walk the Plank!" Mmmmmm. I love memories. I hope everyone is well.