I've been double tagged, I know, I know. Just buried in work and summer fun. I'll respond to the tag on my next post. For now I will leave you with the summer To Do list we have going on. More like save face on all my parenting faux paus:
Learn to play guitar.
Well start lessons anyway, and they have. Lesson #2 was today. They have graduated from Hot Cross Buns and Mary Had a Little Lamb to Old McDonald, on the 2nd lesson. I was told within the 1st 5 minutes of Austin's lesson that he is a "Natural". Natural at what, I still don't know.
Learn how to swim.
Yes, bad mom and dad have 6 year olds with no swimming capabilites. They took lessons one year, but still, no can do. Last year Austin had the broken arm all summer. Hunter, well Hunter just doesn't want to do it. So we signed them up for semi-private lessons. Hopefully this will work out for some basics. They start the class 07/02.
Learn to tie shoes.
In the world of velcro straps and Vans slip ons I have failed to teach my kids how to tie their shoes. Being that they will now be big 1st graders, I believe it is time they learned. Or more like time for me to take the time to teach them how. Anyone have any good teaching tips, or silly rhymes to make it happen?
Read everyday.
Any favorite titles for 6 year olds? I've been reading to them the A to Z Mysteries. That and Nate the Great were their 1st "chapter books", other than the bible, which Austin read all the time. Austin could read them, but to hold Hunter's attention, I'm reading them. It's great watching them trying to solve the mystery before they really know it will end. Then they both have to read me a book of choice. The school library is open every Thursday and they check out up to 2 books and get to take the AR reading tests for raffle tickets. They're not quite ready for Harry Potter, but ready for something more adventurous than Go Dog Go.
Do something fun away from the house every week.
Yes, bad mom, totally need to be remind myself of that. Between work and life, I seem to forget to get the kids out of the house and be adventurous. The good thing about working from home is no need for a sitter, I'm home all day with the kids. The bad thing about working from home is I'm always at work. It's so hard to tear myself away when I know work is just right there needing to be done. So far we went to Disneyland and we went to Santa Cruz. Although they were both during the 1st week of vacation, I gave myself credit for 2 weeks of gettaways. I know, I cheated, but we had unexpected impromtu partay at the house on Saturday with a butt-load of kids destroying my home, so I think we can count that as a day at the zoo. Plan to get to San Francisco and hit the Exploratorium before the summer is up. Plus a train ride from Lodi to Sacramento and the Train Museum, since we have annual membership and have only gone once this year.
Teach Hunter how to ride 2 wheel bike.
He has no interest to do it, and no trust in Mike and I teaching him. He's never trusted us if there was the slightest possibility of bodily harm. Even if I threaten bodily harm. Ummm, I would never do that, but then again, you never know. I love riding my bike and so does Austin, but it really cramps our style to wait for Mr. 4 wheeler peddaling a la stiff backed Alice behind us. And not having any sidewalks in the neighborhood, but rocky asphalt, it just seems safer for him to ride 2 wheels. I think Maryann will get a "crash" course this summer, too. They can both lay in bed and heal together from all the "ooops I didn't mean to let go" accidents that come their way.
Well, that is my To Do list for the summer. Yes, it all revolves around the boys. I do have other things that I want to tackle personally, but that can wait until fall. Right now, I just want them to have a really great 1st summer vacation. Next year's To Do list will just be a chore list. Trying to figure my way around some of the child labor laws, but that's the nice thing about being in the country, no one can hear you screaming for help.
So what are your plans for the summer?
I totally have just about the same to do list except instead of guitar we are working on lowercase ABCs.
Good luck to you and I am here for you if you need someone to vent too. :)
NO WAY! Swimming? You live in SoCal.....All the other things can wait.......get those boys swimming!
Wow, that's quite a to-do list!! I guess I shouldn't tell you that I only noticed that my "middle child" couldn't tie when he was entering third grade. Ooops...he has always been our "learn by osmosis kid". I thought hubby had taught him, and hubby thought I had taught him. A bit embarrassing since one of us had to have been buying him velcro sneakers or curly laces!!
Have fun with that list, but remember to RELAX too! :)
I lost your email address. Accidently emptied a file. Email me.
Yes, those photos have inspired me to clean too! I have my kitchen 95% done, my main floor bathroom 100% done. I still need to mop floors and clean my master bathroom.
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