Monday, April 27, 2009

Call Me Star Scream

Hunter sporting the mad scientist look. It's his favorite fantasy du jours.

So, it's official, Hunter needs braces. He had his Ortho evaluation today and it was confirmed he has a cross bite. So next week he goes in for his casting, and then in 2 weeks from tomorrow he will be a brace face. 

So the braces will only be on the top. Go figure, his bottom teeth are more crooked than a bonus collecting banker. They figure if they can correct the bite, maybe the bottom teeth will shift to where they belong. We'll see what happens 6 mos from now. Nice thing is with dual coverage, we pay nada, zero, zip. Crazy, though, I work for an insurance provider and my husband's coverage is better than my employer's. Go figure. 

I asked him if I could call him tin grin... "Ummm, NO!"
I asked him if I could call him brace face... "Ummm, NO!"
I asked him if I could call him Metalica... "Ummm, NO!"
I asked him if I could call him Metal Head... and it clicked.

"Mom, does that mean I will have metal on my teeth?"
I explained to him what his teeth would look like. 
"So I will be a cyborg?"
"Ummm, NO!"
"Hmmm, but with the metal I could be like a Transformer. Can you call me Star Scream?"
"Ummm, yes, of course".

Aj---- "I'm jealous!"