Thursday, August 20, 2009

4 more days!!!!!

4 more days until school starts.
4 more days and I get my house back from the demons.
4 more days and I regain my sanity.
I hope I live that long....

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Happy father's day to the best daddy I could ever dream of, and an even better Grandfather! 
We love you Papi!

And to a great Nonno, who's so lovable and funny. Who did a great job of raising my Baby Daddy to be a great father.

And a huge happy father's day hug and kiss to my husband. You are such a great father and even better Dad. We love you!

Summer Random Kid Quote - Day 6

AJ - Life is good!
Mom - Why is that?
AJ - Come on, a day of TV, games, swimming... Can't get any better than that!
Mom - How about pizza for dinner?
AJ - "Oh shoot, I think I died and went to heaven!"

Summer Random Kid Quote - Day 5

"Mom, will you be my evil minion for the day?"
"Sure, I'm in."
"Evil minion, your first order is to destroy my brother."

Summer Random Kid Quote - Day 4

"Mom, how much money do I have in my college account in the bank."
"Uhh, none of your business until you go to college."
"But, I need to know how much money I have."
"Why is that?"
"Because I need to know how much I have to spend on my science supplies for my evil experiments."
"Well, we definitely can't touch it until you're ready for college."
"Mom, can I go to evil villain science college?"

walking away to himself.....
"I wonder how much money I have in my wallet?"


Summer Random Kid Quote- Day 3

"Mom, I'm never getting married"
"Never? Really?"
"Why is that?"
"Because then I have to share my money with my wife, I don't want to share my money"
"What if you don't have much money, and she has a lot?"
"Then I have to spend money on my kids."
"Oh, I see. Well looks like you have it all planned out."
"Yup, definitely not getting married, kids are too expensive and women like shoes too much."

Summer Random Kid Quote Day 2

While playing the game of LIFE:

Aj - "Hunter, No Cheating!"
Hunter - "Why?"
Aj - "Because there's no cheating in the game of LIFE"
Hunter - "Well then it's not very LIFE like."

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer Random Kid Quote - Day 1.75

(Hunter)  Mom, I have  discovered the ultimate weapon. If I smile big and get sun on my braces, I can beam the sun on people and burn them. Like this.....

(Me)  Ack! My eye!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Summer Random Kid Quote - Day One

" Hunter, look how strong I am. I'm so strong my feet have bi-ceps"

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I Present you Star Scream

He is so proud of those little pieces of tin. 
He charmed the pants off the staff.
And everyone he met between the orthodontist and going in to class got to see his new tin grin. 
What a stud!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One hellacious pictureless post!

Ummm, yeah, no picture! Why? Because my day sucked! Again, so why no picture? Ummm, I spilled a giant glass of lemonade on my laptop! Ugh! Per Mr Apple Genious, $1250.00 is the charge. Un-B-lievable when the laptop cost just a couple hundred more than that. 

Let's see what all made this day so bad? 

Not enough sleep, then spilled the drink, then dropped my camera! Hmmm, what happened next, you ask? Dropped my iPhone. The camera drop and phone drop came shortly after I stepped in the only MUD PUDDLE in Cali since it hasn't rained in over a week. Well ofcourse, wearing a pair of shoes I've worn all of ONE time. The shoes are stained, but luckily there appears to be no damage to the phone and camera.

On the way home from Sac, the low gas light came on. I thought, well with my luck I better gas up or I'll be out of gas next to no where, so I stopped and got gas. I hadn't eaten more than a hand full of pistachios and a quick bite of Austin's egg samich (as he calls it) since a banana at breakfast it was now past 9 pm. Now I never eat McDonald's. It just doesn't appeal to me, tastes caca, and makes me do pretty much that too. But all that is around and open is a Mickey D's. So I think, Can't go too bad with a little cheeseburger. My mistake was to order without onions. I get a cheeseburger with extra onions no pickle. Literally on the tag it says extra onions no pickle. When I ordered, on the screen it said cheeseburger no onion, on the tag in the car back on the freeway is when I find out differently. 

It's not my day, that's for sure. But now to work for the next two hours, then pack for Disney, where all my woes will turn to pixie dust, and I can just be a kid with my kids. 

Hope your day was better than mine. My tomorrow is looking up!

Well, we get to Disney on day 2 of bad luck and l0 and behold, no boys' suitcase. Quick trip to Target and $160.00 later.... You get my drift. But it turned around after that. Other than some blistered feet and some new laugh lines, we made out like fun bandits. Disney rocked!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Call Me Star Scream

Hunter sporting the mad scientist look. It's his favorite fantasy du jours.

So, it's official, Hunter needs braces. He had his Ortho evaluation today and it was confirmed he has a cross bite. So next week he goes in for his casting, and then in 2 weeks from tomorrow he will be a brace face. 

So the braces will only be on the top. Go figure, his bottom teeth are more crooked than a bonus collecting banker. They figure if they can correct the bite, maybe the bottom teeth will shift to where they belong. We'll see what happens 6 mos from now. Nice thing is with dual coverage, we pay nada, zero, zip. Crazy, though, I work for an insurance provider and my husband's coverage is better than my employer's. Go figure. 

I asked him if I could call him tin grin... "Ummm, NO!"
I asked him if I could call him brace face... "Ummm, NO!"
I asked him if I could call him Metalica... "Ummm, NO!"
I asked him if I could call him Metal Head... and it clicked.

"Mom, does that mean I will have metal on my teeth?"
I explained to him what his teeth would look like. 
"So I will be a cyborg?"
"Ummm, NO!"
"Hmmm, but with the metal I could be like a Transformer. Can you call me Star Scream?"
"Ummm, yes, of course".

Aj---- "I'm jealous!"

Friday, March 27, 2009

When does 8+8 not equal 16?

AJ: Mom, can Hunter and I got to Sally's house?
Mom: Not right now.
AJ: Come on, mom, we can take ourselves.
Mom: Not right now. 
AJ: But Hunter and I are both 8, 8+8=16, which means we're old enough to drive when we are together. 
Mom: Nice try buster. 
Mom to Self: I better go hide the car keys. 

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Hell Hounds

Behold the hounds from Hell.

Remember watching the Lost Boys back in the day. It took many many years to look at Keifer and not see fangs. Or look at rice and not see maggots. Or to think of hell hounds in any other way that those snarly nasty mangy freaky K9s. 

Well, let lose the demons because the hounds from hell reside in Acampo! 

Molly didn't quite cut it with us. When I said she was her
e to stay, well.... just to stay over like an extended slumber party. She's gone. She ate her poop. I mean devoured it. One night while my dad and grandma were visiting, Molly's little gut decided it needed to purge. This night gave diarhea of the mouth a whole new meaning to me. No one likes to wake up at 2am to the not so sweet mouth of re-gurged turd. 

So 2 am, we're scrubbing carpet, gagging, freezing with patio doors wide open and th
e ceiling fans on, and Mike get his diarhea of the mouth (not really turd 
mouth, but potty mouth). "you effen B" "You piece of Shhhhheeeet" (only I'm cleaning up his words for this post) "you worthless no good B"... Well, you get what I'm saying. Me, I'm laughing so hard wondering what my dad and grandma are thinking is going on, and how I could let him speak to me that way. 

So the next weekend, Molly goes bye-bye in my boss' car for a trip far far away. Brave of me to hand off yuck mouth to the man who does my reviews and evaluates my raises. I did come clean, and let him know what the issue was, so I did cover my arse. Any whooo, he loves her to pieces. He scoops poop more than we did, most likely. They're so happy together.

So back to the hell hounds, like it could get worse. 

Well, Mike was ready for a new lab. His fool wife actually believed 2 is easier than 1, 
because it will have playmate. Sierra will be happy because she's too old to deal with an annoying puppy. Boy am I lame. 

Double the annoying puppy attacks on Sierra. They tag team attack her while she is resting. 
Double the poop to scoop (which luckly neither has acquired the hankering to munch).
Double the expense.
Double the destruction to the home. 
Double Trouble!!!
I swear, Austin and Hunter in K9 form. Wonder twins 
activate.. "in form of amazingly annoying, psychotic, destructive puppy" "in form of amazingly annoying, psychotic, destructive puppy twin". 
Although to the boys' defense, they are not annoying, just psychotic and destructive. Oh and the go potty in the toilets, not on the lawns (well #2 anyways). 

We picked up Buddy the day after Thanksgiving. He's the blond demon. He was born 9/30. Shasta came home at 6 and a 1/2 weeks the Sunday before Christmas. Such a little dink. Buddy thought she was a squeaky toy until she bot back. She's so EEEEvile. She kicks his and Sierra's butt in 3 seconds flat. Hunter adores Shasta and Buddy is Austin's yellow shadow. Every boy should have a dog. And every mom should drink heavily (or at least invest in Miss Clairol for the multiple dyes to cover the new greys).

But isn't life more fun with twins boys, and puppies?
Never a dull moment. 

Happy valentines.