Behold the hounds from Hell.
Remember watching the Lost Boys back in the day. It took many many years to look at Keifer and not see fangs. Or look at rice and not see maggots. Or to think of hell hounds in any other way that those snarly nasty mangy freaky K9s.

Well, let lose the demons because the hounds from hell reside in Acampo!
Molly didn't quite cut it with us. When I said she was her
e to stay, well.... just to stay over like an extended slumber party. She's gone. She ate her poop. I mean devoured it. One night while my dad and grandma were visiting, Molly's little gut decided it needed to purge. This night gave diarhea of the mouth a whole new meaning to me. No one likes to wake up at 2am to the not so sweet mouth of re-gurged turd.
So 2 am, we're scrubbing carpet, gagging, freezing with patio doors wide open and th
e ceiling fans on, and Mike get his diarhea of the mouth (not really turd
mouth, but potty mouth). "you effen B" "You piece of Shhhhheeeet" (only I'm cleaning up his words for this post) "you worthless no good B"... Well, you get what I'm saying. Me, I'm laughing so hard wondering what my dad and grandma are thinking is going on, and how I could let him speak to me that way.
So the next weekend, Molly goes bye-bye in my boss' car for a trip far far away. Brave of me to hand off yuck mouth to the man who does my reviews and evaluates my raises. I did come clean, and let him know what the issue was, so I did cover my arse. Any whooo, he loves her to pieces. He scoops poop more than we did, most likely. They're so happy together.
So back to the hell hounds, like it could get worse.
Well, Mike was ready for a new lab. His fool wife actually believed 2 is easier than 1,
because it will have playmate. Sierra will be happy because she's too old to deal with an annoying puppy. Boy am I lame.
Double the annoying puppy attacks on Sierra. They tag team attack her while she is resting.
Double the poop to scoop (which luckly neither has acquired the hankering to munch).
Double the expense.
Double the destruction to the home.
Double Trouble!!!
I swear, Austin and Hunter in K9 form. Wonder twins
activate.. "in form of amazingly annoying, psychotic, destructive puppy" "in form of amazingly annoying, psychotic, destructive puppy twin".
Although to the boys' defense, they are not annoying, just psychotic and destructive. Oh and the go potty in the toilets, not on the lawns (well #2 anyways).
We picked up Buddy the day after Thanksgiving. He's the blond demon. He was born 9/30. Shasta came home at 6 and a 1/2 weeks the Sunday before Christmas. Such a little dink. Buddy thought she was a squeaky toy until she bot back. She's so EEEEvile. She kicks his and Sierra's butt in 3 seconds flat. Hunter adores Shasta and Buddy is Austin's yellow shadow. Every boy should have a dog. And every mom should drink heavily (or at least invest in Miss Clairol for the multiple dyes to cover the new greys).
But isn't life more fun with twins boys, and puppies?
Never a dull moment.
Happy valentines.
1 comment:
it's about time you posted. We got a new pup too.
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