It's definately fall in California. I know it, by just looking around me.
Wow, don't blink!
I blinked and summer was over.
I blinked and the 1st day of school was over.
I blinked and the 1st trimester of school was over.
I blinked and I now can order some Yankee Pot Roast at senior citizen discount night at Denny's.
Well, ok, maybe not that last one, but I'm afraid to blink again, that's for sure.
To catch up:
We now have a pool.

1 kid can tie his shoes, the other just likes to be pampered.
Mohawk down, Mohawk back, Mohawk down.
Um, 20th reunion happened.
Getaways galore. Yummy, most awesome french toast EVAH, at Foreign Cinema in San Francisco. mmmmmmm. Melt in your mouth!

Freezer full of Venison.
Austin jams on the guitar. Hunter quit. I plan on the no pressure approach, but he still likes to pick it up and play around the house sometimes.
Austin decided he wanted to climb a rock wall, although he is afraid of heights. About 1/2 way up he looked down, and was not happy. Little dude kept on going, and would not quit until he got to the top. What a guy, to face that fear head on and claim his life. No fear was going to keep him from having fun and trying new things. Austin, I so want to be you when I grow up!

Hunter was still not ready for 2-wheeling, but he made some improvement and then asked to wait a while longer. It's all good. In your time, little man, you will rule the world.

1st grade happening, boys separated for the 1st time. AJ told me that everyday after their lunch recess they say good-bye to eachother (although they play separately) and they tell each other "you're always in my heart". What a way to melt mom's heart, huh?

Halloween is this week, and Hunter still wears last year's costume, just for fun. This year I have Jack Sparrow and Darth Vader in my home for Halloween. We did a Pumpkin Patch field trip with the school. And today we went again, the boys, Mike and I. Gotta love shorts weather at the pumpkin patch.

This week I took Halloween off to play with the boys at their class parties. DeeDee and Charlie will be coming over to trick or treat with us and the Zanotti's. Then this weekend, flying solo to LA to hang with the Stering clan for yet another of Ancient Audrey's birthdays.
Happy Halloween!

Welcome back to the blogging world!! I can't believe in the same post you talk about fall and swimming pools!! I thought only us in Texas had weather like that!! Enjoy that pool!!
well it's about time! Whew.......
I was thinking about signing Lucas up for guitar.....might have to do that.
Pool? WOW! I would SO love a pool, but here in the Portland area, it just wouldn't be worth it.
Just thinking about you!!
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