So the boys are at the perfect age to begin chores. Today Hunter learned to sort the laundry, and we loaded the washer together. Woo Hoo! It was a good time. He had a lot of fun tossing clothes in to piles. I have forgotten how even a menial task can actually be made fun. Austin was busy with dad rinsing out soda cans and milk and juice containers to put in the recycling buckets. Not that there was a lot, but enough for a little be good to your planet talk. He was more intrigued with the idea that we get to make money off our garbage.
I've been a terrible recycler. It has always made me feel guilty that I threw the stuff away. Cans we always recycled, but bottles and plastic and paper just made it's way to the big trash bin. It was hard with the boys when they were little, when I had little time to even clean myself, let alone properly clean my home. So if it was done, it was in the trash. Many a guilty days. Now, the boys are in recycle training and so excited because they get the cash, and when they're psyched about a getting a nickle, this is like hitting the lotto for them.
And speaking of recycled paper, I've been having some guilt about all the scrap stuff that just sits in my room. At least a rainforest full of paper sits there unused. Audrey's PTA is holding a fair at the school, and one thing they are raffling is a scrapbooking basket. So, on National Scrapbook Day (yes, there really is a day for us) while so many obsessed scrappers are out there making use of their goods, I will be cleaning up my scraproom, and finding stuff to donate to Audrey's PTA group. Lucky me, I should see her for lunch tomorrow because she is in Sac at a PTA conference, but returns to LA tomorrow. I was supposed to meet for dinner yesterday, but I have an allergy induced sinus infection.

Hunter is such a dreamer. So cool to have captured that look in a picture.
Little man is about to lose his 1st tooth. Bottom left tooth is loose as a goose (whatever that means-do geese have loose bowel habits or are they an easy catch for a little sexy fowl play?). The other front bottom tooth is getting lose as well. He's so excited about the prospect of a tooth fairy visit and being able to to turn in his teeth for money. They're growing up ===fast. (those equal signs were supposed to remind you of speedy smoke trails behind a fast moving object. I guess if I had to explain it, I'm assuming others are not quite the match for my dorkiness).By now you're thinking "No kidding about the long winded!" But that wasn't really my point with the title of the post. Well, sorta, because I haven't blogged in a while and had a lot to say. But really it was a clue to where I just came back from. I'll give you a hint:

or even a better hint is:

So, what have you been up to?
ooooh, I love your washer!
I love your layouts so much and your writing so much, I have featured you on my Creative Blogs!
Be sure to tell everyone!
I can hook you up for the purse. www.tillyjane.net
I have Jane's email and I see her at the club. My purse was $48. Steal! She has lots of other colors.
email me
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