Here's another attempt at digital scrapping.
The frame is "Doodle Framed 2" by Tia Bennett. The arrows are "Doodle Arrows" by Tia Bennett. The star "tape" is "sticky tape" by Tia Bennett. The tag is "Doodle Tag" also by Tia Bennett, all downloaded from designerdigitals.com. The fonts are "A Beautiful Mess" by Elsie Flanigan and Grandpa both downloaded from twopeasinabucket.com. The rest was done in my old Adobe Photoshop.
This is totally Hunter. Stressed and untrusting. If there was a fire he would pull a George Costanza and push women children and elderly people down to get to safety 1st. I totally laugh at this picture. It's his "What you talkin' 'bout Willis?" look.
This picture was taken when we went Whale Watching in Hawaii. I tried one of those, but had more fun with this one. I went a little download crazy one night and decided I wanted to play with all my new goodies. This was way more fun. I still made some mistakes and I'm far from perfect, but I had a good time with it.
I signed of for a digital scrapping class on bigpicturescrapbooking.com. I need some help figuring some stuff out. I'm excited for it to start, but it doesn't begin until mid-April. Looking forward to it. If you liked what I've done so far, check out the class. There is still time to register. It's fun doing it digi. Especially when I walk in my scrapbook room and get overwhelmed just looking at the mess. It's half clean half disaster. So much easy to play on a computer with an uncluttered work space. Although, I am about to enter my scraproom and prepare a very late Thank You card for Joanna Bolick for the wonderful and amazing RAK she sent me. Check her out, she's got great photography and a fun blog to visit at http://www.tuesdaysfrog.com/journal.html.
I'm off to go create.
Oh I would so love to take that class too. I will have to look into it!!
What digi photo program do you use?
You are sweet! Love the arrows and digital design!!
I love this layout!! Great digi design!
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