Saturday, April 09, 2011

Big Talent, Big Lips, and Pink Toe Nails

Talent show is done. It was GREAT. Hunter did so well. He came out a little shy, but it took no time for him to feel at home. Here's his 1st appearance.

The Flip was great, but I was a little record happy and missed the last 2 joke sessions. He appeared 4 times, once was the talent show finale. I got them on my iPhone, but I'm louder than Hunter.

AJ's soccer day in the sun was fun, and long, and windy, and hot. There was no parking, save for a mile away. Mike and Hunter went to church 1st while AJ and I went to check in. I walked a mile, with chairs, and camera, and blanket, and cooler... Then, I made sure everyone was slathered in sunscreen. Except me. I got burned to a crisp. And we lost all 3 games. 

So now, I look like some bad Beverly Hills face job, overly tanned leather face. Super big swollen glossy lips from cold sores. Big monster cold sores. Big monster lips. Looks like I had collagen injections. So painful. I'm overdosing on L-Lysine bills, and Vitamin E, and Vitamin C, and slathering on the Lysine gel. And it hurts. But my raccoon white eyes are just fine. 

So Jake Jake is back, helping the boys in the garden. They are getting the garden area ready for planter boxes. They're doing it for me. My boys are so good to me. Jake Jake has been back a few times. He loves it here. His eyes are still super goopy infected. I hate it. I want to get him drops, or whatever he needs. But I know his people do pay him some attention. I know this because there is proof. Pink sparkly proof. Pink sparkly toe nail proof. He's comfortable in his manhood. Sierra, on the other hand, doesn't take him seriously anymore. 

Back to the talent. 
Going to a Sharks game. 
Fan appreciation night. 
They've been on fire. 
So psyched. 
Mike wants me to wear something that covers my lip. 
I'm thinking I'll leave him at home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A toda máquina, mijita. Guau, such an inspriring post to this long running great series of postings. Gracias. Todo rings clear. Love the twins and their ascent in the company of such great parents. ¡Viva la familia!