H:"Austin, can I tell you something? I love God, I love Santa, I love my flambily and I love Money, but do you know who I love the most?"
H:"God. You want to know why?"
H:"Because he built this world for us to live in."
A:"You know, I think we're going to be true Jedis."
H:"Yes, I think so, too."
A conversation between the boys about 2 minutes ago as they play on the computer. This one makes me happy, well, not the money part, but shamefully, it usually works in that order. Just happy that Flambily came 3rd in the top 4.
We're Catholics. However, you never see us in church. We eat meat on Fridays during lent. My forehead has no ashes on it on Ash Wednesday. We only say Grace before holdiday meals with family. I can't remember ever going to confesion. But Mike and I have a strong sense of faith. We feel closer to God in the outdoors, surrounded by nature. And when I lay next to my children to read to them, I feel it was faith that helped me get there. Faith in God, faith in modern medicine, faith that it would work, faith in Mike and my marriage. We may not be the most visible worshipers, but we never ever lose faith.
So hearing my children so freely talk about God makes me happy. I've never pushed religion on them. However, the only chapter book we have read through more than once is the Children's Bible. By choice we have read through 2 different versions in their entirity, twice each. And when they pray, they always pray for others and not themselves. They always add the sick kids, the hungry kids, and the little kids that need love to the list of flambily and pets and friends to be blessed. Austin plays hide and seek and chess with Jesus. Austin tucks a few of his favorite reads under his pillow at night, and a bible is always one of the pack. Hunter always talks about God and Jesus as if they were good friends. Jesus may be flying a space ship with Hunter in a Star Wars battle one minute, or counting to 30 while Austin is hiding the next.
I love those images they have of God and Jesus. That he is their friend, not something to fear. I've always disliked the term "God Fearing". Why should we fear God? If we're good people, and good to each other, and love and respect one another, what is there to be afraid of? That is what I want my children to grow up with. Be honest, respectful, have love and have faith in your heart. So when I listen to conversations that happen between 2 brothers in their room as they play games together, I sit and just smile. I have faith that Mike and I are on the right path to raising 2 wonderful men.
So pray on, little dudes. Talk to Him like a friend.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Just a quickie
Just a quickie to let you all know I'm not dead, or lost, or mentally incapacitated. Well, maybe the 3rd one, but it just makes life more interesting. I just have little spare time, which I spend laying around or looking at all my pretty scrap kits I have no time to play with. Any whoooooo. I'm home and alive and well and healthy and life is good. The boys are doing great, and so much fun, other than the bickering and fist fights in the cereal aisle at Raley's. Luckly no one else was in the aisle for me to be forced to pretend I just happened upon a couple of lost children I needed to rescue and find their mother. Gotta love boys. Mike is doing great. Crazy busy with work and house, like me. So in love, though, so back to the whole life is good thing. Too busy having goo-goo eyes on my honey to see my kids beating each other to a pulp. One minute punches, the next, giggles, the next hugs, the next yelling, the next farting. Gotta love boys. Alrighty, lots to talk about, but no time to tell my stories properly, so until then, enjoy your loved ones.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Guitar Hero

This little woman can rock your world.
Spent the day at Pier 39 with Papi and Nanny. What a beautiful day. Still in the process of uploading pictures in to Kodak Gallery for the family. 46 out of 105, so far. Some of them were fast and blurry, but isn't that just the way it is sometimes. The boys had a blast and so did we. Can't wait to go back and visit other areas of the city. The boys were thrilled to learn that I lived there for a while, and grew up in the Bay Area. They wanted to learn all about it, and about the things that I did. Made me feel all nostalgic talking about it. I totally feel like I left some of my heart in San Francisco. It feels so much like home to me.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
I'm still here

So, I've been here. Ill-en. One cold after another. This one has had me hacking for almost 2 weeks now, and I have no voice toay. Not fun. But... I've been working and I've been scrapping. I was going through some pictures and found this old one of AJ. I remember how we bought that costume way before Halloween and he wore it A LOT before and after Halloween. I love that. He would speak Pirate, even. Don't you just love his face? I'm so glad I have this hobby. This picture speaks to me, and I totally remember him saying "Arrr, matey. Walk the Plank!" Mmmmmm. I love memories. I hope everyone is well.