Wondering what I have been up to? So wonder why I haven't updated my blog? Well, 1st, I need to use my Jedi Powers to remove the children from the computer. Since the 1st week of school and they saw the commercial, it was all about counting down the days until the new Lego Star Wars game was released. Yes, "Lego Star Wars II, The Original Trilogy". And, it's out. Since last Tuesday. They actually only get to play Wednesdays and Weekends, but the other days are all about talking about the game and planning the next world they need to conquer. Check out the site: http://www.lucasarts.com/games/legostarwarsii/ .
I have to say, my work computer was down for an hour or so on Thursday while the kids were at school, and instead of cleaning my house, which very much needed it, you know I was playing the game. For an hour! I grew up on Star Wars. The 1st one came out when I was 7 and I remember the long lines and all the hype, and the t-shirt, and the secret fan club we would call to order hidden under my grandmother's table behind the table cloth. I remember being in LOVE with Han Solo long before I knew who Harrison Ford was.
For months now, Hunter has been obsessed with Star Wars. He has all the movies in his room, and plays them alllllllll the time. He has all the light saber colors (Mommy likes to play saber wars) So many of the Star Wars Lego ships and other die case Star Wars goodies. The best of all are the Transformer Star Wars character and ships. So, you know if this was Pokemon, they wouldn't have all this stuff. I have to say, I'm a bit Star Wars obsessed, and this is the secret fan re-living their childhood, by spoiling my children. Poor Austin has had it pushed on him, but Hunter, he is truly in love with the ways of the Force.
Hunter, my love, may the force be with you.
So how hard is the game to play? My hubby and oldest (4 mind you) have been begging me to let them get this game.... Yes hubby at 33 is begging for a game and why doesn't he just go get it, I don't know!!!
We are all big big star wars geeks here too!! Evan was even Yoda for Halloween last year!!
Man so I bought the first one of these games for the boys and now we are hooked on it.
Uncle brian will have to get the boys the other one for xmas now!!
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