#1 on the list: My Thrasher boys. Check them out. Hunter looks like he's slamming in the mud. Austin can't even get the whole ride thing down on the board, but check out the moves he can do. Makes me proud.
#2: Austin can ride a bike with no training wheels. This is major. He was not motivated to do it, but was always in awe of the kids who could. He also kept nagging for a skateboard. Mike said he couldn't have a skate board until he could ride a bike with no training wheels. So he goes outside and said for us to go with him. He jumped on the 2 wheel bike and said I want no one to help me. There he went. Within 2 minutes he was peddling down the drive. He was struggling with the starting the bike going once he was stopped. I gave him some verbal pointers, but that wasn't enough. He said "Mom, tell me if I do it, you'll give me $3.00". "Austin, if you do it I'll give you $3.00". That was it. Since then he needs no help, coaxing, nothing. So Mother's Day he got his board.
#3: Hunter is learning the way of the Jedi. Yes, he is turning in to a Star Wars addict. He sneaks away and watches the DVD's in his room. So far Episode 2, Attack of the Clones and Episode 5, the Empire Strikes Back seem to be his faves. He has a rebel force transformer fighter ship. He sleeps with it at night. He knows the character names and forwards the movies to all his favorite scenes. I love that. Hunter, may be the force be with you.
#4: Mike is getting so much done around the house as far as landscaping. He planted 17 trees within the past couple weeks and his planning the back yard sprinkler system. No new goat heads this year. We're still battling the old dry ones from last year, but nothing like it was. I'm so excited with all the home improvements we've made. This house was our home, but now it's also homey.
#5: Lucky me, I won a layout to be done by Jenni Bowlin. Love her work. I donated to Karen Russell's ( http://karenrussell.typepad.com/ ) fundraiser for Woman for Woman International ( http://www.womenforwomen.org/ ) and was a lucky winner. Just check out http://www.JenniBowlin.com for some peeks at her work. She is amazing and I've been admiring her work in magazines for a while. My recent favorite was the Brothers layout in the latest CK, but all her stuff rocks. Lucky me she has boys, too, so it won't be a strectch for her to work with my photos. Lucky her, my boys are beautiful, so it won't be difficult to fall in love with the job. LOL!
#6: Finally feeling like scrapping again. I was in a dry spell where nothing inspired me. He's the link to a little something I did for the May Kitspirations kit. http://www.kitspirations.com/Gallery/showphoto.php?photo=660
So? What's rocking your boat?
1 comment:
I love your boys boots -- they are so cute!! My oldest is also a Star Wars nut -- has been for awhile (his daddy was a big geek like that too).
Very cool about getting Jenny Bowlin to do a layout for you. I can't wait to see it!! Congrats.
Will have to stop by and check out your gallery too -- glad to hear you are scrapping again. :)
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