Thursday, April 20, 2006
My soundtrack
Ofcourse, maybe "American Idiot" by Green Day fits me better on the average day. Last week it was "She Works Hard For The Money".
I do think about this quite often. I love music. I love how it makes me feel. I love to day dream to music. I can't do much without it. More often than not, the TV is on in this house, and honestly, I would love to just turn up the toons and turn off the TV. However, between cartoon, the news and poker (basically, all the boy shows) I get little music time. So happy to work at home!
So as I sit here thinking about music, I think what would be on my soundtrack? Hmmmm? Iv'e changed my soundtrack often. This week it is all alternative 80's, with a few newer tunes. Next week it could be Country or Big Band. Hip-Hop, well that is all Austin right now. He's so in to break dancing. However, he is wearing a baseball hat with a skull on it and a CBGB tee. Can't get much cooler than that.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Procrastinator Deluxe

I'm such the procrastinator. After that last post I went in to my "creating" area to make a card. Notice I use the word loosely, as little creating goes on at that table. I tend to gather my stuff up, and take over another flat surface in the house. Honestly, any flat surface that is un-cluttered will do. Reason is, that table is totally cluttered. Since I created this blog I have cleaned it perfectly twice. That's it. 2 times. My problem is maintaining. If I would just put stuff away when I'm done with a layout, then I would be so happy to go in there and create. I tell Mike it is because I work and don't have the time. HA! He knows me better than that.
I think I mentioned this before, but here I go again.
Love doing laundry, hate putting it away.
Love doing dishes (well loading the dishwasher anyway), hate putting them away.
Love vacuuming, hate putting the vacuum away.
Love shopping, hate putting the groceries away.
Love scrapping, hate putting the supplies away.
See a pattern?
I realized I needed to find my paper trimmer to make a card, so I had to put stuff away. In doing so, I decided I NEEDED to organize my patterned paper. See I had at least 2 scrapping kits sitting there, that were past their dates, so they had to be "filed". I decided I didn't like how the paper was sorted and filed, so I took all my paper out of their happy homes and made several piles. I then sorted through all my alphabets, and made more piles. I then decided I was tired and went to bed. Still no card.
2 days later, I cleaned house. I mean really cleaned house. We had a new stove and fridge delivered, so we cleaned their spaces. Cleaned the new appliances. Cleaned the old appliances really well. Cleaned the floors. Cleaned out the cleaning supply cabinet over the washer and dryer. Organized my candles. Cleaned all 3 bathrooms, including the floors on my hands a knees. Now, I know it needed it. I know it sounds like I'm a clean freak. Truth is, I was procrastinating, delaying going back in to my "creative" space and making a little card.
Found out my mom was coming to visit. Hmmmm? I guess that means she needs to sleep on the spare bed, next to my "creative" space, and under piles of paper. Hmmmm? So there go all the piles, stacked in to 1 giant stack. I swear, it looks like Richard Dreyfus either went Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind mashed potato crazy, or I'm trying to make a working volcano to rival Peter Brady's.
Now, don't get me wrong, I really, really love to play with my stuff. I just really don't want to put all that stuff away. The guilt was mounting to a point that I dreamt about Miss Manners, and all the Thank You cards I didn't send in my past.
Today my neighbor went to get a mammogram and her girls (5 and 9) are on Spring Break. I was the sitter. I decide to make a project time with my boys, and get my supplies out to the kitchen table so we can all make Easter cards. 1st Austin wants a PB&J, and Zoe decides she wants one, too. Then Hunter comes out and he wants a Quesadilla. Sadye decides a Quesadilla will do, as long as she gets some grapes, too. As they eat, the mail man comes, and the rain is sure to come soon, so I send Austin to the mailbox to gather the mail. Our mailbox leaks, so we have to retrieve it quickly. Sadye decides to join him. Hunter isn't far behind, and the dogs run out with Hunter. Next thing I know, there are 2 dogs from a neighbors house, along with their 5 year old (no parents to be seen). I blink and here comes the next door neighbor girl (4 year old) riding her bike, and her dog is trailing. Her mom yells for the dog (Phyllis Diller) and goes back in, without even a wave or a holler to see if her daughter can come over. So here I am. 5 dogs, a 9 year old, four 5 year olds and a 4 year old. I decide to just tell the kids they can play, as long as they take their dogs home. CHAOS!
So, after chasing my mail around the driveway and yard and street, keeping kids away from the eggs in the bird nest on the rocks, keeping helmets on kids and not on the ground, failing at flying 2 kites, 1 smashed toe from a scooter (mine), many muddy feet and 3 (not 2) Advil, we settle down to make some cards. Yes, I'm a glutton for punishment. I thought while we made cards, I could get my 1 card done. 5 Easter cards later, the girls go home, Mike comes home, I gather up the stuff and toss it on my "Creative" space's table, and get dinner going. Or should I say, go get dinner.
Well, the guilt was too intense. I came home, cleared a 13x13 space on my table and made the card. Whew! That's done. And I actually made something on my table. Not the kitchen table, or the dining room table. Not on the office desk, or my work desk. Not on the living room floor or the counter. I used my table. And I'm so happy to see that 13x13 space sitting there, just calling my name.
Don't read on if you are prissy or easily offended. Same thing really.
(Oh I just have to add this. I just ran spell check and the 1 word I mis-spelled was vacuum. Spell check wanted me to replace Vaccuum with VAGINA! Gotta love spell check. I should have hit the replace all. "I love Vaginaing, I just hate to put the vagina away. LOL! )
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

So, I was playing again in Adobe. LOL! Like I don't have a TON of work to do. You know how it is. When you are so overwhlemed with how much you have on your plate that you retreat and call everyone in your phone book, organize the linen closet and the pantry, clean out closets... Well, I sit on my ever widening behind and play on the computer. Although my closets and pantry need some serious TLC. I played with this picture tonight. An absolutely beautiful shot of a an absolutely BEAUTIFUL young lady. Sara, love ya girl. The one above I used Adobe Photoshop, Tia Bennett heart and swirls from a Flourish and Bots line downloaded from The font is Autumn Leaves' Aunt Marie. The one below is all the same except the font is A Beautiful Mess by Elsie Flanningan, downloaded from Totally having fun with this and looking forward to my digi class.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Here's another attempt at digital scrapping.
The frame is "Doodle Framed 2" by Tia Bennett. The arrows are "Doodle Arrows" by Tia Bennett. The star "tape" is "sticky tape" by Tia Bennett. The tag is "Doodle Tag" also by Tia Bennett, all downloaded from The fonts are "A Beautiful Mess" by Elsie Flanigan and Grandpa both downloaded from The rest was done in my old Adobe Photoshop.
This is totally Hunter. Stressed and untrusting. If there was a fire he would pull a George Costanza and push women children and elderly people down to get to safety 1st. I totally laugh at this picture. It's his "What you talkin' 'bout Willis?" look.
This picture was taken when we went Whale Watching in Hawaii. I tried one of those, but had more fun with this one. I went a little download crazy one night and decided I wanted to play with all my new goodies. This was way more fun. I still made some mistakes and I'm far from perfect, but I had a good time with it.
I signed of for a digital scrapping class on I need some help figuring some stuff out. I'm excited for it to start, but it doesn't begin until mid-April. Looking forward to it. If you liked what I've done so far, check out the class. There is still time to register. It's fun doing it digi. Especially when I walk in my scrapbook room and get overwhelmed just looking at the mess. It's half clean half disaster. So much easy to play on a computer with an uncluttered work space. Although, I am about to enter my scraproom and prepare a very late Thank You card for Joanna Bolick for the wonderful and amazing RAK she sent me. Check her out, she's got great photography and a fun blog to visit at
I'm off to go create.