My scrap space is totally use-ABLE! I did a layout in no time at all. Alright, it took me an hour, but mainly that was prep time in cutting up all my 2005 Christmas cards. Yes, I chopped you all up, but for senti-MENTAL reasons. Actually, I was using the December Kitspirations kit, so luckily I didn't need to go through the mountain of paper I have yet to sort. That mountain is only slightly smaller than Mt. Fuji (aka pile of pictures) I need to sort through. Still, I was able to use the open space on my desk, find the letter stickers and alphabet soup acrylic letters right away, as well as finding a black journaling pen without having to steal one out of my crop bag. All this without having to move anything out of the way or get a tetanus shot! I attached a copy of the layout. The journaling I did is inside the "Where the Wild Things Are" card on the 2nd page. Do you spot your card?
Alright, so last week I lost 4 pounds in 5 days. Last weekend I gained 5 pounds in 2 days. Kind-a like a 2 steps forward, 3 steps back routine. Maybe if I'd get up and took some real steps I could make this happen. I tried doing cartwheels on Saturday, but then my wrists felt the strain my poor feet go through daily, and I think it will take weeks for them to stop hanging limply every time I lift my arms. I just look prissy.
The boys had their 5th birthday party! Can anyone believe they are actually 5? Can anyone believe that it has been 5 years since I was a walking duplex? Can anyone believe how incredibly cute and amazing these kids are? I may be biased, but these guys just blow my mind! I promise I will upload some picts of them real soon. I got a new camera and have yet to load the software on my PC. Maybe because these wrists are still recuperating and I'm not spending much time online. Anyway, they had a great time at their Scooby party. They loved having friends over, and I swear my house will never fully recover.
The guys received way too many toys and entirely too much love and attention that they have outgrown their britches. Hunter says he is now in charge. He claims to be the boss of the famly (spelled as they pronounce it). I'm thinking he needs a ring for the rest of us to bow down and kiss. He's been living up to his boss-Y role and it's getting a little trying. At the same time, I just want to laugh. He stopped telling us that the police will come take us to jail if we don't give him what he wants, but he has replaced this with threats of calling the police so the policeman can give Mike and I a ticket.
The other little man has taken to bribery. Austin offers us money to get his way. 2 nights ago he was instructed to turn of his Leapster and get ready bed. This was followed by a bribe of $100.00 if I would let him play for a while longer. So tempting. Unfortunately, behind silent laughter, I had to play the responsible Mom and take the game away. That didn't go over well, but at least I didn't need to collect that $100.00 to pay off the cop Hunter vowed to call if he didn't get to keep playing. I wonder where Austin keeps all that money? He does seem to collect change from around the house, but it never winds up in the wash. Hmmmm? I think it's time to go play pirates and see if I can find me a treasure. Arrrr Mate-y!