Thursday, March 24, 2011

When it rains...

Man, did it dump on us.  It poured buckets, then it hailed, then it poured and hailed, then the lightening shot across the sky with almost simultaneous thunder claps. Insane, crazy, psychotic storm. The back ditch filled up in just a matter of minutes. It climbed in to the grapes. The front street flooded up. We're surrounded like a big moat. I hope Jake Jake is in his house, safe and warm. 

And what did we do? We made lasagne. Well, AJ made the sauce. I made the noodles. Fresh mozzarella, all fresh herbs, sausage from the butcher, delicious. I gained 5 pounds just smelling it cooking, and another 15 pounds eating it. But I was so proud of that young lad working at the stove. And he tore those fresh basil leaves like a professional chef. He measured and threw in the ingredients for the pasta, but then ran off to play a couple games of chess with his Dad. Mike 1 - AJ 1. And Hunter, well, he ate homemade fettuccine and drank carrot juice, no sauce for him.

What a great night. Now it's time to settle down, pack for Audrey's, and watch a Bones repeat. I love that tomorrow is my favorite day of the week, Friday!

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