Current status report:
Saturday 2:30 am 2 Poppets done.
1 calendar to go.
Groceries for herbs and bread on Sunday am.
Must Find ciappino recipe.
Dad still here.
1 load of laundry left.
In-laws come tomorrow.
House destroyed!
Kids psychotic with excitement.
No more shopping needed.
Need to wrap.
Me so tired.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Are You Ready to Rock in the Deathly Hallows?

I'm so ready to Rock, but not so ready for Christmas. I've been a little on the freaking out side. On the verge of a breakdown. You know, one of those where everyman you come across asks you if you are PMSing, and you just want to stab them in the eyeball. Yes, one of those. But I''m over it, and Mike can still see fine out of both eyes. My new boss bore the worst of it when I broke down in tears at the end of a meeting. Poor soul, he had no idea it was coming, and WHAM, it hit him. Psycho girl, sitting in conference room, crying.
You know what happened, like every man, he tried to brainstorm solutions. Like every woman, I shot them down. Then an hour after I returned to a desk, mind you I'm in the office and have no official desk, I realized it was all hormonal. LOL! Yes, psycho is a total understatement. The season doesn't help. Too many commitments, too many visitors, too many presents! The one thing I have been able to do, is take the visiting time, and enjoy it BIG time. Even if during the in between time you can see my head spinning a la Linda Blair.
The kids are amazing. I love seeing their excitement grow daily with the anticipation of Santa visiting their home. They are so psyched to be out of school and just went hog wild today. These kids are amazing, and I just can't get enough of them. I'm so glad I took next week off!
And did you hear????? Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be the title of Book 7 of the Harry Potter series. I'm so excited! I think that snapped me back in to reality. WOO HOO! A title means, the book is soon after. Now I don't recall if the next movie or the next book is being released in July, but just knowing more Harry is on the way just thrills me to pieces. I'm such a geek.
Anyway, I'm sure I won't be on again before the big day, so Merry Christmas. I hope you all enjoy a glorious day with family and friends. Remember the reason for the season, and reflect on whatever that means for you. I will.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Overwhelmed, yet?
Anyone else feeling the stress of the holidays? AAAAHHH!! I'm totally losing it. Lucky for me, I have 5 year olds, who believe it or not are keeping me grounded. If it wasn't for them, the Christmas Spirit would have never found me this year.
The boys are so fun to watch. They so believe in the MAGIC of Christmas. I love to see the joy and excitement in their eyes when anything Christmas related is going on. This age is amazing, and I just can't get enough of them.
I have had quite enough, however, of Christmas preparations. And I have not done very much, let me tell you. Work is busy, because I plan on taking the last week of December off. So, I work twice as hard to make that happen. Shopping is hard because I have boys from 11am on, and most stores don't even open until 10. Being in the boonies, it takes me 1/2 an hour from any store to get to the boys school. So basically, that is 30 minutes of shopping. I can't even get through a line that fast. So, if I can't get it at Raley's, I'm just not getting it.
Lucky for me, pretty much most of my shopping is done. I will need to hit Target one more time, and Hollister in San Jose and I'm all finished. Still waiting with chewed on nails, for some online deliveries to be received. That's always a crap shoot. So far, they have all been shipped and in transit. So far, that is, except for 2. The 2 most time sensitive ones. Don't think about it... don't think about it.... don't think about it.
My biggest stress, however, is completing projects. I had the clever idea of spending a few hundred dollars on supplies to make many home made gifts this year. LOL What the hell was I thinking????? Somebody shoot me. I have made, let me count..... Uhhhhhh, and there was, oh and don't forget that, let me carry the one, and...... yeah, a big ONE, uno, 1!!! And that was only because it was for my mom and her husband and we celebrated our Christmas already. UGH!!! I still have 2 calendars and several poppets to make. Oh, and a mini-book. Uh, and a another mini-book. Um, and an altered frame with the kids' help. Wait make that 2. Did I forget anything? Oh, yeah, more poppets!!!! So, if anyone knows of a hired glue stick with excellent trimming abilities, please send them my way. Make sure the tetanus shots are current because with all the holiday chaos, my house is definately suffering.
So, there are 2 full weekends before Christmas, right? Well, dumb me let Mike be the social planner this year. So last Friday was a company Christmas Party. Sat morning to early evening it was a family party in Twain Hart. Wonderful! Then straight from there to a birthday party in the neighborhood. Basically, I was out of the house from 9am to 10:30 pm. Sunday? Well, that was Christmas celebration day with dear Mumsey. This weekend we will leave early for San Jose to make the rounds to visit the famiglia. Yup Friday in to Saturday. But wait, we need to be home in time for a dinner party at a friends in Lodi. Yup, and don't drink too much because all of Sunday will be sent in Grizzly Flats freezing in the snow to visit the Fiedlers. Honestly, I'm looking forward to that one the most. shhhh. Next week I work all week, and Dad will be coming on the 20th to the 23rd. Did I mention I work in the kids class on Monday and for their holiday party on Tuesday. I'm in the office all day Wednesday for my dept Christmas party, and staff meeting. Wait, the boys have Thursday and Friday off??? Oh, goody, just in time to spend the night Saturday to Sunday in San Francisco with other friends, and to buy the crab for Christmas eve dinner that I am preparing!! Next year, I'm hanging with the Kranks and going on a Cruise. Either that, or take away all planning priveledges from my dear husband.
So, if anyone is all ready for Christmas, either come be my personal assistant, or just come on over to watch the freak show. Becareful of the dust bunnies, though, they sometimes bite.
The boys are so fun to watch. They so believe in the MAGIC of Christmas. I love to see the joy and excitement in their eyes when anything Christmas related is going on. This age is amazing, and I just can't get enough of them.
I have had quite enough, however, of Christmas preparations. And I have not done very much, let me tell you. Work is busy, because I plan on taking the last week of December off. So, I work twice as hard to make that happen. Shopping is hard because I have boys from 11am on, and most stores don't even open until 10. Being in the boonies, it takes me 1/2 an hour from any store to get to the boys school. So basically, that is 30 minutes of shopping. I can't even get through a line that fast. So, if I can't get it at Raley's, I'm just not getting it.
Lucky for me, pretty much most of my shopping is done. I will need to hit Target one more time, and Hollister in San Jose and I'm all finished. Still waiting with chewed on nails, for some online deliveries to be received. That's always a crap shoot. So far, they have all been shipped and in transit. So far, that is, except for 2. The 2 most time sensitive ones. Don't think about it... don't think about it.... don't think about it.
My biggest stress, however, is completing projects. I had the clever idea of spending a few hundred dollars on supplies to make many home made gifts this year. LOL What the hell was I thinking????? Somebody shoot me. I have made, let me count..... Uhhhhhh, and there was, oh and don't forget that, let me carry the one, and...... yeah, a big ONE, uno, 1!!! And that was only because it was for my mom and her husband and we celebrated our Christmas already. UGH!!! I still have 2 calendars and several poppets to make. Oh, and a mini-book. Uh, and a another mini-book. Um, and an altered frame with the kids' help. Wait make that 2. Did I forget anything? Oh, yeah, more poppets!!!! So, if anyone knows of a hired glue stick with excellent trimming abilities, please send them my way. Make sure the tetanus shots are current because with all the holiday chaos, my house is definately suffering.
So, there are 2 full weekends before Christmas, right? Well, dumb me let Mike be the social planner this year. So last Friday was a company Christmas Party. Sat morning to early evening it was a family party in Twain Hart. Wonderful! Then straight from there to a birthday party in the neighborhood. Basically, I was out of the house from 9am to 10:30 pm. Sunday? Well, that was Christmas celebration day with dear Mumsey. This weekend we will leave early for San Jose to make the rounds to visit the famiglia. Yup Friday in to Saturday. But wait, we need to be home in time for a dinner party at a friends in Lodi. Yup, and don't drink too much because all of Sunday will be sent in Grizzly Flats freezing in the snow to visit the Fiedlers. Honestly, I'm looking forward to that one the most. shhhh. Next week I work all week, and Dad will be coming on the 20th to the 23rd. Did I mention I work in the kids class on Monday and for their holiday party on Tuesday. I'm in the office all day Wednesday for my dept Christmas party, and staff meeting. Wait, the boys have Thursday and Friday off??? Oh, goody, just in time to spend the night Saturday to Sunday in San Francisco with other friends, and to buy the crab for Christmas eve dinner that I am preparing!! Next year, I'm hanging with the Kranks and going on a Cruise. Either that, or take away all planning priveledges from my dear husband.
So, if anyone is all ready for Christmas, either come be my personal assistant, or just come on over to watch the freak show. Becareful of the dust bunnies, though, they sometimes bite.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Happy belated Turkey Day!

Someone I am very thankful for in my life, isn't really a person, although he is a part of our family. Dear Jake. He's getting up in his years and having trouble walking. I'm so thankful to work at home. Without that, I'm sure he'd be in so much pain with the cold weather. He falls down about everytime we walks, but he's still puppy brains. He can run, if you want to give him some food or a treat. He'll run to get in the door everytime it opens. But, he'll also fall every time. I love having him at my feet all day as I work. He's a good old man, and a great friend. We're so blessed to have had him as long as we have, and hopefully next Thanksgiving I will be thankful that he is still with us.

The boys love this big old Santa. If you look close, you can see we still have Halloween bat clings in the windows. Yes, we like to blend all our happy holidays together, and have when big party, all year long. I love the season, but am not quite feeling like Christmas is around the corner yet. I'm just going through the motions. Usually by now I'm just in to it hardcore, but right now, I'm just taking the gift buying one event at a time. I haven't even written a single Christmas card. Hopefully I will get the bug soon. I hear it's contagious.