Checking it twice...
For those who know me from high school, I'm still making those lists. I love listing all the things I have to do, and love even more checking things off. Sometimes if I complete a task or accomplish something that wasn't on my list, I write it on just so I can cross it off. There's something about looking at all those checked off/crossed off/highlighted tasks that make me oh so happy.
I bought that really great weekly dry erase board from Target. And it's magnetic!! I put on all my meetings, appts, visits, scheduled things, and important reminders that may be lost on the paper list. On that one, as I accomplish, attend or complete I erase them off. Makes me happy to erase, almost as much as it does to cross off. I love those magnet shapes. They'll end up on a layout someday, but for now they make me happy where they are. Especially that big question mark. Not only is it totally cute, it also marks the most important day of the week. The one day where nothing is planned. I love those days. However, it doesn't stay empty for long.
I got a lot of scrapping done this weekend. That once clean room started out so tidy and nice on Friday, and by Friday night it looks like a tornado hit it. I just don't feel like I'm having fun unless I'm making a mess. I joined 3 new message boards this last week. Crazy! I have no time for that. I was just feeling like I needed that push back in to playing with all the stuff I've been collecting. I haven't scrapped much, and really wanted to be challenged. Well, I was. I joined 1 message board for the cyber crop they were hosting. It's a newer site with a small bunch of ladies, that I really enjoyed. The big ones can overwhelm me. I like a small community where you can really get to know the people on the board. I plan to keep checking that one out.
The other 2 I joined more long term. Lifetime Moments is doing a Scraptober Fest. They are posting daily challenges for the month of October. I found out about it late tonight, so I jumped right on to check it out. A layout a day for 31 days. You end up with 31 layouts in October! You don't have to actually do them daily, as long as all 31 are done by the end of the end of the month. Overwhelming, but just the push I need right now.
Tomorrow is grape picking day. Can you tell by the big old arrow? Just in time. We had our first rain of the season today. Not much, but enough to push us in to getting some things done around the house. I was sick all week and Mike was working out of town, so today was productive day. I was still sick, but I was also sick of laying around. I cleaned house, all but the floors and dusting the blinds. I did a TON of laundry and started decorating for Halloween (the most wonderful time of the year!). Mike cleaned the garage, back dirt (no yard yet), and mowed.
And speaking of yard. We should be getting the back yard this week. And for 1/2 the price we were expecting! Totally psyched about that one!
Anyway, it's late, I'm sick, have a full early day tomorrow and I'm just plain tired. Peace out.
BLOG - check
I love your little board!! I need one of those but mine would have to be the size of my wall in my office. LOL!!
I can't wait to see the layouts you create in Oct -- 31 is a lot.
I have a matching magnetic white board but mine is green. Mostly used to hold upcoming invites, doctor appts., etc. Our weeks are pretty much work, walk, eat, sleep. No need to track that.
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