So, I should have been working. Instead I was scrapping. I just never find the time to scrap and decided I needed to cheat a little here and there to do what I want to do. Ofcourse, I will pay later. I will have to make up the time, which I was trying to make up to begin with.
It goes a little something like this:
6:30pm log on to work computer
6:32 figure out how many more audits I need to do to meet productions standards for the past week. (answer 35)
6:38 go through work assignment and determine how many audits to do to have work completed by month end. (averages 38 a day-normal is 16-18)
6:38 figure out there is no way I can get it done
and get stressed
6:40 Return call to Audrey
6:45 Begin to browse net while talking to Audrey
6:50 Make pop-corn while talking to Audrey
8:15 Log in to message boards to see what's going on
in the scrap communities I visit.
8:33 See fun challenge I want to scrap
8:35 On my computer, Pictures printing, looking for paper.
8:40 Making sure kids are tucked in bed (for the 100th time)
8:55 Oh scrap! Scrapping what I scrapped. Yes, taking apart layout to start all over.
9:15 Tucking kids in bed (for the 1,000th time)
9:30 Drinking my 10th gallon of H2O after all the popcorn
9:32 Pee
9:34 Reprinting a picture, after I butchered the 1st one
9:37 Tucking Hunter in (for the 1011th tine)
9:45 Pee
10:15 layout done
10:16 Tucking in Hunter (what time is this one?
Ahhhh, 1,000,000th time) This time it works.
Note to self, next time remember to turn off my TV
10:18 Pee
10:20 scan pictures
10:22 Create photomerge
10:25 Check to make sure kids are really sleeping
10:28 Pee (yes 10 minutes after the last time)
10:33 Bring in outside toys and close up house for the night.
10:45 Drink H2O and instantly run to go Pee
10:49 Log back on to scrapping communities to see
what I missed while I was tucking, drinking and peeing
10:55 start browsing blogs
11:15 Pee
11:18 back to blogs
11:35 Online screen shop
11:41 Pee
11:45 WHAT! I forgot to work!!!!
11:50 log back in to work applications
11:55 Decide I need to update my blog
12:01 Pee
12:04 H2O
12:05 Begin updating blog
12:50 Still no work, peed another 3 times. Feeling stressed because
I need to get some work done.
Sounds like I need time management help? Let me tell you what I have been up to the past couple days.
Hmm, Thursday, kids at school for 3 hours, 20 minutes, grocery shopped, work meeting, put in my 8 hours at work, did a color hunt with the boys and helped them finish up their homework. Cleaned bathrooms. Mike, well... He worked a short day and then went to play poker.
Friday, took kids to school, took the day off work, went to Target to buy birthday gifts for weekend party, grocery shopped for Mike's hunting trip, swept floors and dusted, 3 loads of laundry. Oh, yeah, 2 kids dropped off at 2:30 for me to baby sit over the weekend while parents go hunt. Kids are ages 7 and 4, adding them to my two 5 year olds, the house got a bit loud. I got a fat lip catching kid falling off bunk bed ladder. Not from kid, but from toy falling on my face, which was the cause of the fall to begin with. Oh, this was within 5 minutes after their parents dropped them off. Mike?..... Slept past noon and then went hunting.
Saturday, Annette drops off nieces Sara (14) and Maryann (7) and Sara's friend Lauren (14). Realize I left present on shelf of gift wrap area, run back to Target and leave Sara and Lauren in charge. Home in 45 minutes with bagels, smoothies and gifts. Get boys ready for party, have them make cards, and get gifts ready. Megan (7 y/old being sitted) has soccer game at 11, lucky me, her parents have arranged a pick-up and drop-off. Take boys to party, leave Brian (4 year old sittee) with Sara, Lauren and Maryann. Come home after party with grocery bag (yes again!) and back to 7 kids in the house, although one of 14 year olds is stone cold sleeping on the couch. Ride a skate board, and attempt to teach Maryann how to ride 2 wheel bike. The 3 girls leave and I'm back to just 4 kids. Dinner, desert, movies and popcorn, scrap... I think I've had enough for the day. Mike?..... hunting.
1:13 Sunday am.... signing off and going to bed. Work? That can wait. I'll squeek it in later. No stress.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
May The Force Be With You

Wondering what I have been up to? So wonder why I haven't updated my blog? Well, 1st, I need to use my Jedi Powers to remove the children from the computer. Since the 1st week of school and they saw the commercial, it was all about counting down the days until the new Lego Star Wars game was released. Yes, "Lego Star Wars II, The Original Trilogy". And, it's out. Since last Tuesday. They actually only get to play Wednesdays and Weekends, but the other days are all about talking about the game and planning the next world they need to conquer. Check out the site: .
I have to say, my work computer was down for an hour or so on Thursday while the kids were at school, and instead of cleaning my house, which very much needed it, you know I was playing the game. For an hour! I grew up on Star Wars. The 1st one came out when I was 7 and I remember the long lines and all the hype, and the t-shirt, and the secret fan club we would call to order hidden under my grandmother's table behind the table cloth. I remember being in LOVE with Han Solo long before I knew who Harrison Ford was.
For months now, Hunter has been obsessed with Star Wars. He has all the movies in his room, and plays them alllllllll the time. He has all the light saber colors (Mommy likes to play saber wars) So many of the Star Wars Lego ships and other die case Star Wars goodies. The best of all are the Transformer Star Wars character and ships. So, you know if this was Pokemon, they wouldn't have all this stuff. I have to say, I'm a bit Star Wars obsessed, and this is the secret fan re-living their childhood, by spoiling my children. Poor Austin has had it pushed on him, but Hunter, he is truly in love with the ways of the Force.
Hunter, my love, may the force be with you.