Home again? You ask, home again? Yes, again. 1st let me start by saying, I love the feeling of coming home when I'm gone. Ofcourse ask me a week ago and I would have said I love the feeling of getting away for a Mommy break. Love both feelings, but so much more emotional to come home, don't yout think? I just love pulling up to the house in the evening after a long drive home. Love the lights on the walk waiting for me. Love the look of the house in the sunset. Don't quite love the brown spots in the lawn, but we're working on that. I say we just dye it, like we do for the gray in my hair. Which, by the way, I have sprouted at least 30 new ones in the past 3 days. At least.
Now to the again part. As I stand in line at CKU-A in San Jose, Bab-ay, I check out my cell to see 2 missed calls from Mike.
2!!! I have been gone like a night, and spoke to him like 30 minutes before, what he could he possibly need? He goes hunting and fishing or wherever, and so happy to not have to have to cook dinner and only need to feed the kids cereal or eggos for breakfast lunch and dinner, I don't call him once. Ofcourse, there is no cell signal in the hills or in the casino. So I call back, still in line, mind you.
"What are you doing?"
(Irritated beyond belief) "Standing in line to register. You know..(with a naggy little tone) when you go hunting or fishing or wherever, I don't call and bug you, I let you have your hobby time, so I would assume (yes ASSuME) you would do the same and only call for an emergency."
(remembering I did call once while he was hunting and left a mommy of twin 20 month old toddlers all alone and the power went out right after Austin fell and hit his head on the tile and passed out and Hunter was standing on the brick fireplace with the dogs blocking any way down without a fall back to have him hit his head on the brick.....)
** back to the story:
I continue with "I would appreciate you answering with 'Hi my darling wife, nothing is wrong and everyone is fine, I have a simple question and will let you return to your joyful weekend away', could you please reassure me before we continue?"
"Oh, sorry" he replies, "It's not like Austin fell at school on the playground equipment and is on his way to the hospital with a broken arm, or anything"
"What, are you kidding me?" Like he would be that cruel, but he is male and has a sick sense of humor. Unfortunately, this was not the time for such cruel humor. So I cry and tell him where the extra camera is, and I will come home right away.
On the drive home I find out the break is severe, both bones in left arm, right above the wrist and he will require surgery to reset them. I get to the hospital to see this darling little man, with a smile because Mommy is there. (With the good camera.)

What a trooper. He has to wait until 6pm for surgery and he can go home that night. He was so hungry and so scared, but so good and sweet, and all morphined out. He had a great recovery and after surgery and recovery, heads home by 8:20. After some Otter Pops he sacks out in our bed.

Mike being the good husband he is, insists I go back to CKU-A, since it is only a hop skip and long jump away, and he will stay home from work with him. Not wanting to go, but feeling like he would be offended that I did not trust his parenting skills if I stayed, I decided I had to go. Secretly knowing he didn't want me to lose out the big money spent to register for CKU-A (not really, but that was an after thought, I'm sure). So off I go, dead and tired and eyes on fire from all the crying of seeing my sweet little guy in pain.
So I go, totally un-prepared. Scatter brained and drained emotionally, and had a kick ass time. Mike, being the incredible father and parent that he is, had the good sense to send me pictures on my cell phone of Austin lightsaber fighting with his brother, or hanging upside down on the couch, or trying with all his might to break his neck or leg or something, as all fearless 5 year old little boys do. Remind me to send a box of chocolates to the smart woman (or man, less likely)that invented picture phones. Did not finish a single book, because of the need for journaling and being better picture prepared, but finished 2 last night sitting on the floor after the kids were in bed.
I needed a break, but not the kind I got.
So, I'm so glad to be home. Be lazy. Watch a little World Cup. Mourning Mexico losing to Argentina. Playing with all the new goodies accumulated from my weekend trip of broads and 2 men. Catching up on e-mails. Sitting on an entirely too active little man recuperating from a broken arm 3 days ago in the feeble attempts to restrain him. Yes, life is good, scary, but good!