I am so glad to be home! Mexico was absolutely great. It was fantastic to see my family. I pigged out tons, yet lost a pound. I visited one of my childhood homes and walked the old neighborhood. Check out the pictures above. The top left is our old home. It's actually a group of homes, but ours was in the back and can't be seen from the street. The top right is a church on the same block we lived on. In front you can buy the best mini sweet gorditas ever. I have often longed for them. Yearned for them so much I could taste them. And, yes they were just as delightful as I remembered. The blue house is Frida Kahlo's old home and now museum in our old neighborhood. The rest are pictures from our streets. Yup, the old stomping grounds. What memories. Man, has it changed!
Well, it was a bittersweet trip. The family was great, and it seems like time stands still over there. Everyone looked pretty much the same, except for the younger cousins that last seen were kids and are now adults. I loved seeing everyone again, and missed my Tita tremendously. The food was amazing. So delicious, nothing like anything here. The pollution: HORRIBLE!!! The poverty so depressing. So many crumbling homes. Sewer stinky in most areas. So inexpensive. Such beautiful architectual accents. So glad to be home.
I totally missed my husband and kids. I'm so glad to be home with them again. I would think about them and want to cry. What a freak!! I was an emotional mess. I remember the poverty from before and being so sad, but this time it just took over my emotions. Maybe because I'm a mother now. That's all I can think. Maybe because I'm not a self-centered child or teenager anymore, and the world no longer revolves around me. I handed that orbit over to my kids. I don't know what it is, but it's talking me ages to get over the blues. If you say BOO, I'll cry.
So glad to be home for a short while. Just enough time to feel overwhelmed with work. Just enough time to clean my house. Just enough time to do laundry. Just enough time to pack for Hawaii. Yes, excited about the next trip with the family to step out of this funk. Hawaii will be totally different than Mexico, and very welcomed.
Did I mention I was so glad to be home?