Thursday, September 23, 2010


Half Dead
Or is it DE/DEAD? Or AD/DEAD?
Still alive, but crawling.
Not literally, but mentally.
I'm so drained.
Insanely busy at work.
Insanely busy with kids soccer and catechism and homework and.. and.. and..
Insanely busy on Facebook status updates and Zynga games (Does that count?)

So I cut housework.
Unfortunately, I also cut the cleaning people. Lucky for me we are all up to date on our tetanus shots. Oh, and rabies shots. Super lucky for me I have a husband that has not been busy at work. Well, he has been insanely busy with housework, and yard work, and poker work.

I cut parenting.
Well, at least from 8:00-2:30 M-F, while they are under the superb parenting and tutelage of an assortment of GEUSD 4th grade teachers. But, hey, could you resist these faces? Well, if you didn't live with them, 24/7, through some summer months filled with "I'm bored", "I'm hungry", "I don't want to shower or cut my hair ever again", while you work overtime hours, at home, with no escape. You get the picture.

I cut cooking.
Again, back to the husband of amazing strengths and skills. And Schwann's shove in the oven, so easy cooking. And Raley's pre-roasted chickens. And bread sweet bread. And General Mills assortment of artificially delicious cereals.

I cut gardening.
Well, after we ate more zucchini than the last 5 years combined. And after my last single watermelon was sliced and diced in to 1,000,000 servings. Yes they were that big. And after the tomatoes just decided they didn't need me anymore and learned to keep on growing into mighty delicious fruit, without water or care or love.

So, right now I'm just half. I'm half busy. And thanks to my wonderful prioritizing skills, I'm half dead.
As opposed to fully dead.
Which I was.
But now I'm half.