Thursday, September 23, 2010


Half Dead
Or is it DE/DEAD? Or AD/DEAD?
Still alive, but crawling.
Not literally, but mentally.
I'm so drained.
Insanely busy at work.
Insanely busy with kids soccer and catechism and homework and.. and.. and..
Insanely busy on Facebook status updates and Zynga games (Does that count?)

So I cut housework.
Unfortunately, I also cut the cleaning people. Lucky for me we are all up to date on our tetanus shots. Oh, and rabies shots. Super lucky for me I have a husband that has not been busy at work. Well, he has been insanely busy with housework, and yard work, and poker work.

I cut parenting.
Well, at least from 8:00-2:30 M-F, while they are under the superb parenting and tutelage of an assortment of GEUSD 4th grade teachers. But, hey, could you resist these faces? Well, if you didn't live with them, 24/7, through some summer months filled with "I'm bored", "I'm hungry", "I don't want to shower or cut my hair ever again", while you work overtime hours, at home, with no escape. You get the picture.

I cut cooking.
Again, back to the husband of amazing strengths and skills. And Schwann's shove in the oven, so easy cooking. And Raley's pre-roasted chickens. And bread sweet bread. And General Mills assortment of artificially delicious cereals.

I cut gardening.
Well, after we ate more zucchini than the last 5 years combined. And after my last single watermelon was sliced and diced in to 1,000,000 servings. Yes they were that big. And after the tomatoes just decided they didn't need me anymore and learned to keep on growing into mighty delicious fruit, without water or care or love.

So, right now I'm just half. I'm half busy. And thanks to my wonderful prioritizing skills, I'm half dead.
As opposed to fully dead.
Which I was.
But now I'm half.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


6 school days/8 calendar days.
Yup, that's it.
Then summer vacation for the boys.

6 school days/8 calendar days.
I'll pretty much be at the end.
Of my patience, that is.

6 school days/8 calendar days.
All that's left.
Then all hell breaks loose.

6 school days/8 calendar days.
Not a day more.
No break from the natives.

6 school days/8 calendar days.
I beg you please.
Pray for my sanity.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Back in the saddle again

Let's see if I fall off this horse.
So bad at blogging.
So busy at life.
I know it's not Halloween, but this little guy keeps me company all day, every day, all year.
Too much time wasted farming a virtual farm sitting on a way too big butt.
If I got off my arse and planted a real garden, my arse might not be so big.
Third grade has been fantastic. Living the GATE life is difficult. Way too hard to keep a kid engaged. Extra work to keep them challenged makes them feel they are being punished.
"Mom, I have no time to live".
Dude, just wait until you are a parent.
Contrary to what they believe, they have been living the life.
We all have.
We're so lucky to still have a home, jobs, health...
Mike hasn't worked since Thanksgiving, but he's still employed. Hopefully the next job will be coming up in March.
As a work at home mom, I will be needing to go in to the office once a week. It was like the end of the world when they announced to us telecommuters of this new plan. Until they did lay offs, and now we no longer complain.
Somehow, the bills are getting paid. The fridge is stocked. We still go play. Life goes on.
Hunter wrote his 1st letter of the year to Santa Claus.
Last year it was May, this year February.
I would be disappointed, but he also gave me $10.00 a couple days before to donate to the kids in Haiti with no homes.
AJ started Indoor Soccer this week. I'm looking forward to that.
My house is still standing, regardless of all the chemistry sets they received for Christmas.
We miss Sara everyday, and twice on Sundays.
Somedays it's hard to imagine how the world still turns.
As for me, I've had 3 Lego implants in my feet since the start of the year.
Good excuse to not walk or jog on the treadmill for a couple of days. Still working on the excuse for all the other days in between.
Now you're all caught up.
Peace - Out