Wednesday, July 25, 2007

a few of my current obsessions

So, this year is my 20th high school reunion. I'm feeling a little ancient, but yet, I still feel like I'm not really old. I mean, I have these total school girl crushes on movie stars, I like rockin' out in the car, I play video games and skateboard with the kids, I even still watch the Brady Bunch. 40's right around the corner, but I'm still having a good time. Here are some of my grown-up obsessions:

Ummm, Johnny Depp. Can't get much better than that. I got a little frustrated on the photomerging in Photoshop, but whatever.

Yes, the Brady Bunch. I have this. The complete series in a Green Shag carpet box. The boys and I watch it all the time. Some great life lessons in it. You can buy it here.

Guitar Hero. Yes, Austin playing at 10pm in his tube socks and swim trunks. It's a family obsession. I was the 1st of the family to master Freebird, but little man now kicks my butt. He plays the game on Hard, and if you've ever played this, then you know that is amazing! Check it out here. We have 1 and 2, but I hear there's a new 80's one. Must go track it down!

And ofcourse:

Love how they did this movie. Different than the book, but it holds up on it's own and keeps the story on the right track. Have you seen his topless picture for Equss? Is it bad to lust after a then 17, finally 18 year old? Don't answer that!

And this book! Magical! Amazing! (did you catch the magical...LOL). I cried when it was over, not just because of what happens, but because it was over. JK Rowling sure has a way of story telling. Loved it, re-reading the series for the 2nd time this summer. In between the Brady Bunch and Guitar Hero, ofcourse.

And finally:

Back to Johnny. But can you get more kick-ass than Elizabeth Swann? And is it me or is Orlando Bloom getting hotter every film? But that Johnny..... MMMM

So what are you obsessing over?

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Feed Jake

Jake Ray Marcoccia
Rest In Peace

Friday, July 06, 2007

Tag, you're it!

Renee and Jen tagged so...These are the rules…. each player starts with 7 random facts about themselves on their Blog. People who are tagged need to blog 7 facts about themselves and post the rules as well. At the end of their blog list 7 people you are tagging. Let them know that they are tagged by leaving them a comment. So, time for my 7 random facts:

1. In my dreams I am still my highschool weight. For reals, every dream, even the ones in Spanish. I'm talking less than 100 pounds skinny.

2. I am a complete and total nerd, and I’m ok with that.

3. My name is Bat Bogey Hexer on the Leaky Cauldron, a Harry Potter message board. (back to the nerd thing)... Oh, and I still feel Snape has to be good, but I'll be finding out for sure later this month. yeah!

4. I never let my kids go to bed without hearing at least one good belly laugh a day. I figure that when they grow up, no matter how crazy times could be, we could always find laughter.

5. I’m a cat person with no cats, but 2 dogs.

6. I took 6 years of French, but Je ne parle Francais. (I don’t speak French) Maybe because 4 years of those lessons were taught by Mr. Fong.

7. I wish I could that dance where girls make their butts jiggle up and down without moving the rest much. I know it’s a knee thing, but whatever, wish I could do it.

So if your read this, consider yourself tagged. Just about all the bloggers I know have already been tagged because I took so long to do this.