And I'm off to Mexico for the 1st time in 20 years! Can you believe it? I have total anxiety. Here's why:
- I'm flying internationally with my maiden name passport!
- I'll be away from my husband and boys for 4 and a half days!!!
- I'm so behind with my work for my job!
- I'm so behind in my scrapping!
- I'm 65 pounds or so heavier than when I went there last. No I'm not 165 or over, but I weighed less than 100 when I went there last.
- I'm totally rusty on my Espanol. My sister has been forwarding e-mails from my cousin in Mexico, and I have to read them like 5 times a piece to even get a clue of what he's saying.
- I still have no gifts made or together to take with me.
- I haven't even started to PACK!!!!!
I do have to say that I did clean my whole house this weekend, and did all the laundry, minus 1 load. Ofcourse this was achieved with major help from Mike. Gotta LOVE that man! If it wasn't for him, I'd live out of the dishwasher, the clean folded laundry basket and walk on dirty floors. I figured out that I hate to complete anything. That's gotta be it. Love to do laundry and fold it. Hate to put it away. Love to do dishes and neatly stack it all in the dishwasher. Hate to put the clean dishes away. Tolerate cleaning the house, although sometimes I do love it secretly. I hate to clean floors!!!! So poor Mike finishes all the dirty jobs I can't stand. He puts away the clean dishes, helps fold and put away laundry and yes, he cleans the floors. Like I said, GOTTA LOVE THAT MAN!! In the mushy and overused words of Jerry McGuirre, Mike "You complete me".
So, we saw Pam and Tony. That was so cool. It's amazing that some people, no matter how little you see them are so much a part of you that when you finally see them, it's like you see them every day. A little catching up, a little gossip, some yummy sandwiches, and some silly kids made for a great day! Then yesterday, late afternoon, I get a call from Brad and Michelle, who we haven't seen since they got married over a year ago. They were going to be at Cory and Tricia's in Linden, and hey could we come. Well, Mike, Poker Stud that he is, was already running out the door for a poker game. So I loaded the boys, their Leapsters and my camera in the car and off we went at 7pm to go visit some friends. Again, like time stood still. If it wasn't for the kids running around, ofcourse. It was so cool to see them. Cindy came with Jessica and Cody, and I have to say, Cindy will be the hottest grandma ever. Cory is so proud of his kids it's simply beautiful. Tricia and Ally weren't there, but man, has Tyler grown! Brad and Michelle will never change and I'm so proud to call them my friends. They're just amazing, so honest and real. So after a little drinking (1 beer for me) and smoking (I know, yuck) and a very funny game of Texas Hold'em, I came home feeling really fulfilled. Well, I won. Thanks for calling, guys! Seeing you all was the true payout of the night.
Well, I'm off to make a list of everything I need to pack for Mexico. #1: CAMERA.