Monday, May 08, 2006

Coming to you from the land of...

Eenie Meenie Miny Moe, Butt Cracks and Evil Masters. I live alone on an island of nasty little creatures that I've heard are derived from the male species. There are bug guts, dirt and frog slime embedded deeply under the nails of my little men. Yes, and Austin still sneeks in a little thumb sucking here and there.

I've been a bad blogger, but I have been doing exactly what my resolution was for the year. I've been cleaning out closets and pantry and drawers, and every nook and cranny of all the STUFF I don't need. Garage sale this weekend, and what doesn't sell, goes to GoodWill. Tomorrow I conquer the kitchen cabinets. The rough part is, I have a family of sick men. Both boys and Mike have been fevered, and the little guys are pukey. Yuck! I wonder who will take care of me when it is my turn?

It seems like not a decision can't be made in this house without eenie, meenie, miny or a moe joining in on the decision process. Would you like waffles or pancakes? Hmmm? Will it be Eenie or Meenie? Do you want to wear Sponge Bob or Scooby underwear? Wait, here comes Miny and Moe. No split second reactions in this home. It takes 20 minutes to Eenie Meenie it until the one they really want gets the final finger. By then, I could have popped some Eggos in, buttered, syruped, cut, eaten and cleaned the plates. Eggos? Oh yes. I've been told I'm not allowed to make pancakes pancakes or waffles for the boys, as I royally destroy them. Who was I told by? Hmmm, I don't recall which little guy. Let me see.. Eenie, meenie, minie, moe, I think Hunter has big tiger toes.

On to a delicious butt crack story. Yes, the boys love a good butt crack. They love to run around with their tooshes touching something I would rather it not be touching. Mom, my butt crack is on your bed. Mom, my butt crack is touching the couch. Mom, my butt crack is on your back. Not so pleasant, butt (yes butt) the smile and giggles that acompany are worth it. So as I'm fighting them to get dressed, and they run rampant through the house touching butt cracks to everything, I just laugh and Eenie Meenie which one will get a slap on a bare butt cheeck, which they love entirely too much. As, I'm attempting to pin a naked butt down and force underwear and shorts on, a little sing song voice behind us says.. "Hunter, you know that pillow you sleep on every night?" "Yes?" " You know, the one you love?" "Yes?" "My butt crack is on it." "Eww, get off!" "I will once I make it breathe bad breath on it." Mom's turn: "WHAT?" "Yes, I'm going to fart on it!" Now the shocked comes when H-man doesn't freak out, he just laughs and tells me, all matter of factly: "Mom, Austin's butt has dragon breath". Moments that make a mother proud.

So, as I reminisce, on the stories of this past week, I sit and chuckle to myself. This is obviously a cue for Austin, my game maniac, to come and entice me into a game of Sorry or Scrabble. "Yes, little man, I'll play with you, but only 1 game of Sorry." "Alright, Mom, but I want to be the evil masters. I like Evil, it's fun and funny." Yes, pray for me.


The Mom said...

So we live on the same island. :)
I too am surrounded by way too much testosterone and can't pass a day without a butt or fart tale.

Actually we have progressed into boogers too now.

Have fun, be silly and laugh that is all you can do. The smiles & giggles do make it totally worthwhile. :)

The Mom said...

Hey I saw on my blog that you wondered about the digi top ten lists. It is a blog that a friend of mine found and I followed her there.

Here is the link -- pretty cool for getting ideas for BOM pages.

Hope to see your top ten's soon!! :)

And thanks for all the great comments. You make me smile!! :)