Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hot, anyone?

This little man is the coolest cat I know. At age 5 he can identify a song and the artist from AC/DC to Eminem to Jack Johnson to Green Day. I love music, and he totally gets that from me. The dude break dances and rocks out. Like I said, 1 cool cat.

He's loving his new cast. He asked for camouflage, and ended up with red. No camo available. He's so brave about all the MD visits and the x-rays and all. Such a little man. Yes, such the man that he decided it was time to start chasing girls.

Girls???? It seems, I'm not the only female around that thinks little dude is rockin' hot. Yup. Little man got his 1st kiss on Thursday from a neighbor girl. We were hanging, having pizza and drinks while the little ones played in the play room. Both mom's were pregnant together, and Sadye was born 5 or 6 weeks before the boys, so they've known each other a lifetime (yes, 5 years is a lifetime to them). So her being his 1st kiss was no surprise, but at 5????? Can I say it again? Dude you rock! Groupies and all.

I ask Hunter if he got a kiss and he says "Eeew, yuck, I'm not kissing a girl". Good boy, only kisses for mommy, please. Then we have to go in to the big talk with the boys of no kissing little girls at school. Petrified of my sweet boys getting in trouble at school for doing was totally normal for little kids. May I mention that I was a founding member of the San Francisco Montessori Kiss-Kiss girls? Yes, Katy, Bernie and I were the original Kiss-Kiss Girls. We would take off our clothes, run around in our underwear, trap boys and kiss them. Things that make a mother proud. So, I guess it's my turn to be horrified. Lucky me. Or should I say, lucky little girls in the California Central Valley.

Speaking of hot little boys and mamas, it's been scorching hot. Yesteray it hit 112, I believe. Yes and with humidity, the heat index was something like 117. Un-bear-a-ble! The boys started T-Ball in this heat wave. Lucky us we got the 8:30 game, so by the time we ended it was only 90 degrees. Lucky for us, we had shade on 1/2 the diamond, so only 2nd base, which was rotated, was in the sun. I am also happy to say, 1 game down, 5 more to go.

Well, off to bed to sweat through the night. Sweaty sweet dreams to all.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Man I love these kids!

This is the great layout from Jenni Bowlin. Check out Isn't it adorable? Ofcourse, anything with 2 these faces is just adorable!! Thanks Jenni!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Just words

No pictures. I've got a million of them, but truly too tired. Little man is doing great! You'd think he was born with a cast on. He adapted so well so quickly. I'm still way too over protective and not letting him do much, but am about to just give in. He is so stir crazy and antsy he finds any way to annoy his brother. Oh and mother and father, too. Hunter is so irritated with being picked on, but also a little jealous of the attention. Combine all that with 2 little boys home over everyday while Mom tries to work full time hours from home. What does this all mean? A lot of time outs, a lot of muted conference calls, a lot fighting between brothers and ofcourse A LOT of BRIBERY.

Going to take the boys to visit their cousins tomorrow while I get some errands done and a quick drop in to work for some free open house Jamba Juice, mmmmmm. Then I'll pick up AJ for a little Nacho Libre action. He's been begging for a Jack Black attack. This is his 1st request to see a "people" movie. Now this is major for Mom. I was going to take Friday baby sitting to run to San Francisco and see Pirates for an all together much better looking JACK, and then to eat a little Haystack pizza with my sis and kids. However, the insistence of my boss getting me in the office, the bribery of Jamba Juice, and the guilt of a broken armed little boy with big eyes won. Ugh! Considering I just watched the 1st Pirates of the Caribbean movie this last week, well, I guess I'll live.

Just watched the whole 1st and only season of Geeks and Freaks. So loved it! So upset it ended there. I need to know what happens next. Why didn't I watch it when it mattered? Oh, I was busy with twin babies in the house, that's right. We only watched Baby Mozart and Bear in the Big Blue House like 1000 times each. I so relate to it because it shows that even us freaks have some geek somewhere inside. Also that not all geeks have to be brains and all freaks have to be stupid. Also, love the music, being a product of 80's highschool years, although I started highschool in1983, but even so.

Been feeling kind-a scrappy lately. Having fun with stepping out of my box and trying new things. Hey, if I don't like it, I can always make another page, right?

Off to bed. I should've been there at least 2 hours ago, but Boston Legal from Netflix and Sudoku kept me up past my bed time. Sweet dreams!