Tuesday, July 22, 2008

One Slammin' Summer - In 23 mins, 17 secs

Well, Spring sprang right on by.  Then summer just poofed it's way on in under a cloud of smoke.  Man, it has been smokey.  It finally cleared, but tonight the CA wild fires smoke oozed it's way back in to the neighborhood.  Endless days of unhealthy air quality.  We even had to escape to Los Angeles to get away from the bad air. Scary! 

Earlier in the summer we headed to San Francisco and hit the Exploratorium.  What a blast!  It was the boys' first trip there, and after a full day of exploring science, I was wiped OUT.  We had so much fun with Papi and Nanny.  Papi was evil and gave the boys stop watches when we arrived.  From then on, I've been screwed!  It started immediately with how fast can we get up to Papi's apartment... by stairs... 11th floor.  Need I say more?  

It continues with how long can I hold my breath under water?  How fast does it take me to ride my bike to the stop sign and back?  How long does it take to get to the grocery store?  Time me on how fast I can tie my shoes.  Mom it took me two minutes and 15 seconds to poop.  (Mom - Did you wipe?  Did you wash your hands?)  

See, even his mask is EVIL

On the same trip, we also went to the Zeum.  Another great SF treat. We made a claymation movie of an Octopus eating a fish.  The boys filmed in a green room, and added backgrounds to their flicks. 
Then we ate some great pizza with a few alien friends.  Funny how we haaaaaadd to get these friends before dinner.  Funny because I don't think I have seen them since we returned home, they just got thrown in a toy box, where they sit craving olives and pizza.

All in all it has been a productive summer.  
  1. I got a small promotion, which is great, but I'll reporting to someone new.  I love the new team, but I'm totally sad to be leaving my boss.  He is such the bomb.  
  2. I cleaned out a couple closets and the pantry.  
  3. I worked, and worked and still working.  
  4. I've been reading A LOT.  The Harry Potters.. again; The Sookies..again;  The Fablehavens, 1st timer; The 1st Charlie Bone, 1st timer; Started the Carpe Demon series, on book 2; and lots of magazines - pool side.
  5. Lovin' the pool and swimming, almost daily.  When it's too smokey, we stay in.
  6. Lots of visiting with family and friends.  Here and there.
  7. Zoo Camp starts next week.  Science - Mad Lab camp starts a couple weeks after that.  
  8. This weekend.. fishing. 
  9. Updated blog :)  FINALLY
  10. Some teeth lost, some loose.
So, what have you all been up to?  

Hey, Austin!  How long did it take me to update my blog?